The Woodhaven BID helps lead marketing initiatives to support local businesses, and hosts regular events throughout the year. This can be announcing new business to the neighborhood or featuring a business and business owner's story.
Community members and merchants can learn about upcoming events and feature their services or products through our social media accounts, so be sure to give us a follow!
For residents, we promote volunteer events like park and block clean ups, gardening, and “walking the block” to learn about some of the issues our community sees so we can solve them.
The BID is here to help you! We serve as a liaison with city agencies. We are available to help answer questions about starting a new business, understanding City regulations, or connect with small business support resources.
The BID is an active advocate in City government working on topics as diverse as street vending, land use policy, regulatory reform, and sanitation.
For business owners, residents, and property owners interested in supporting our efforts, you can contact us for more information about attending our general board meetings or joining our board of directors.

The Woodhaven BID has several initiatives and events that improve our streetscape and beautify the district create a better place to shop and do business.
Some regular events and initiatives we've done are our annual street fair, open streets events, holiday lights and Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
Between our cleaning team and our seasonal community clean ups, we collect thousands of bags of trash a year. We covers hundreds of graffiti locations, and removes thousands of illegal handbills and advertisements.
We’re here to help you with illegal dumping reports, and working with the Department of Sanitation. We can help you understand commercial storefront sanitation rules and regulations.
If you see illegal dumping in progress call 911. If you want to report unsanitary conditions use the 311 app and contact the BID for follow up.